Merchant Accounts

May 18, 2011

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8 glasses of water do not give a delayed fats

May 5, 2011

8 glasses of water do not give a delayed fats

It is a fact that water is the most important catalyst for weight loss. Water may be the only "magic" way to permanent weight loss. Water suppresses appetite and helps metabolize fats deferred.

Studies have shown that the reduction in water consumption leads to increased body fat and increase in water consumption can reduce fat deposits. That is why the kidneys can not function properly without enough water. When they are not overburdened by their work, some of their load is transferred liver.

One of the main functions of the liver is metabolizing fat into energy used by the body. But if the liver has to carry the load of kidneys, it can not perform its main function at full capacity. As a result, it uses less fat and more fat is deposited in the body and stops weight loss.

Drinking enough water is the best way to retain water. When the body gets less water it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to retain every drop. Water is stored in the intercellular space (outside the cells), and as a result of hands and feet swell. Diuretics are at best temporary way out. They are, unfortunately, derive water from the body with essential nutrients. Again, the body receives a signal of threat and seek at the earliest opportunity to recover losses. Thus, all the repeats.

The best way to solve this problem - to give your body what it needs - plenty of water. Only then will the stored water is released from the body.

If you have a constant problem with water retention, it may be to blame the excess salt. Your body sodium is required only in certain concentrations. The more salt you consume, the more water keeps your body to dissolve the salt. However, you can easily get rid of excess salt: simply drink more water, and as it passes through the kidneys, it takes away excess sodium.

The overweight person needs more water than hudomu. In the larger metabolic loads of people are much more serious. Since we know that water is the key to fat metabolism, the overweight person needs more water.

Water helps maintain proper muscle tone, since it allows the muscles to contract and prevents dehydration. Water helps to prevent the sagging skin that usually follows weight loss: shrinking cells are filled with water, and the skin becomes clean, healthy and resilient. Water also helps rid of toxins (losing weight). The body has a lot of nonsense, from what to get rid of, and most importantly, from an excess of fat. Again, adequate water helps flush out waste in your body.

Water can help relieve constipation. When the body gets too little water, he takes it out of domestic stocks. Colon - the main source. The result? Constipation. But when a person drinks enough water, it resumes normal function kishshechnika.

We covered some of the properties of water and its role in weight loss:
1. Body will not function properly without enough water and can not metabolize stored fat.
2. Retained fluid is overweight.
3. In order to get rid of excess fluid, you need to drink more water.
4. Water consumption is a basic prerequisite for weight loss.

How much water be considered sufficient? The average person should drink 8 glasses each day, which amounts to about 2 liters. However, the overweight person needs one additional glass for every 8 pounds of excess weight. Number you drink should be increased if you exercise in hot and dry weather.

It is preferable that the water was cold, she quickly absorbed by the body than warm water. Some evidence suggests that consumption of cold water helps burn calories faster.

When the body gets the water for optimal functioning, which means that you have reached the "breakthrough point".
What does this mean?
1. The function of the endocrine glands is improving.
2. Stored water is lost.
3. More fat is used as fuel because the liver is free to use fat.
4. Returned to a natural desire to drink.
5. Very quickly goes hungry.

If you stop to use enough water, your metabolism is disturbed, and you will again begin to hold water, suddenly begin to gain weight and lose the desire to drink. The cure for this situation - you need to force myself to go through yet another breakthrough.

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Carpet prices

May 4, 2011

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Proper nutrition for blood group

Man - is now being reasonable, and once he was much closer to nature and, accordingly, to the animal world, from which, following the theory of Darwin, and left. So when something like animals, people instinctively feel what food suits him. After all, predators, for example, will never be eating fruits and vegetables, and herbivores do not cease to be vegetarians. Due to such an instinctive selectivity they practically do not suffer from heart and other diseases.

In addition, if we do not take into account the harsh manners of wildlife, it should be noted that the animals of one species survive to the time limit allotted by nature it is this special, and leave the lives of about the same age. Their animal instinct is thus a defense mechanism, which as a result of a civilization lost people whose immune system is weakened, and the organism was subjected to numerous, including the deadly disease.

At the end of XX century American father and son D'Adamo (doctors, naturopaths) found a correlation of blood and nutrition. Their theory was based on the fact that the digestive and immune system of humans are predisposed to the very products that are eaten by our ancestors. And the rules of supply based on the direct relationship of food consumed by blood group. According to their research as a result of such power will not only improve the metabolic process, but also activates the human immune system and the general condition of his body and reduced body weight. There is no need to torment yourself diets and endless assume calories.

First (1) blood group: food and recommended products for blood group

Blood Group 1 (0) (50% of the world's population) is considered the most ancient. It is, according to theory, is the founder of the remaining blood groups. People in this category (the first hunters and gatherers), characterized by a strong immune system, they are energetic and active. Their stomachs, with a high level of acidity, well-digested meat, which is recommended to eat small meals every day. Desirable dark, lean meat - lamb or beef (not pork), as well as poultry and offal (heart, liver). They are useful for marine fish and seafood (but not eggs).

Genetically, these people tend to tireoidizmu when the thyroid gland produces not enough hormones, resulting in slower metabolism and a man putting on weight. Thyroid gland, activates the metabolism, more than displaying seafood rich in iodine.
Necessary and vegetables, especially if they are green, leafy, it is useful, most legumes, with the exception of potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, black olives and mushrooms.

Showing fruits, particularly helpful would be a plum and figs (except oranges, tangerines, melons, blackberries, strawberries and strawberry).

Of eggs, cereal, flour and dairy products should be abandoned.

Drink - mineral water may be pure spring, and green tea, beer and wine.

People with a blood group are predisposed to inflammatory processes (eg, arthritis) and stomach ulcers. On the positive is the fact that their blood is more fluid, and hence the likelihood of blood clots is much lower.

These people need intensive physical activities of aerobic-type (an ideal way to relieve stress) and sports that require agility and strength.

Second (2) blood group: food and recommended products for blood group

Blood Group 2 (A) (40% of the world's population). Its owners (in ancient times, farmers) are vegetarians with poor sustained immune system and poor allocation of gastric juice. The most useful are the fruits and vegetables, which should be consumed raw or cooked to be gentle manner. These products also help to keep the desired body weight.

Shows fish and seafood (but not eggs), and the meat is desirable to eliminate entirely, you can sometimes afford to turkey and chicken. This is due to low levels of gastric acid, which is hard to digest meat and it turns into fat. Also not shown, and dairy products. A body needs proteins is desirable to obtain from nuts and legumes (but not of beans, it affects the weight). Products made of wheat flour is also better to exclude from the diet.

The most useful beverages can be considered as green tea and clean water, coffee and wine (preferably red). Coffee and red wine stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.
These people should engage in physical activity, choosing lighter physical exercise - swimming, calm walking, aerobics, cycling, yoga (meditation is the best way to relieve stress).

Problem of people in this group can become rich blood, capable of veins and arteries to gather in bunches. People from 2 blood group may suffer from cardiovascular, cancer and diabetes.

Three (3) blood group: food and recommended products for blood group

Blood Group 3 (B) (8% of the world's population). These people (the former nomads), a strong immune system and as a consequence - high resistance to stress and colds. And thanks to a strong digestive system, the selection of products for them more diverse. Only this group helpful: fish, meat (lamb, beef, rabbit, but not poultry), dairy products, as well as liver, eggs, various vegetables (not tomatoes, pumpkins, radish, radish, black olives), all fruits.

Their drinks - it's green tea, water, can afford to drink wine, beer, not often - black tea.

Contra - corn, buckwheat, peanuts, lentils, wheat flour products that encourage weight gain.

Physical exercise (endurance) - walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics and yoga exercises that is not too strenuous, but not entirely relaxing.

People 3 blood group may be exposed to diseases such as lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis vessels.

The fourth (IV) blood group: food and recommended products for blood group

Blood Group 4 (AB) (2% of the world's population), this group is the youngest. It appeared 1000-1200 years ago, which combines features of groups A and B. People in this group have a strong immune system, their bodies have antibodies that protect them from diseases that are caused by bacteria.

The weak point of these people can be considered the digestive tract, which has high sensitivity, hence the need for a balanced varied diet. Their food should abound products of plant origin, as in humans of group A, but you can afford and some meat, needed for people of B.

The most suitable products to them - it's seafood and fish, and fruits and vegetables to eat beans and dairy products. In moderate amounts of useful rabbit, turkey and lamb.

Drink more pure spring or mineral water and green tea. Not often - beer and wine (preferably red).

Not useful - buckwheat, beans, corn, nuts, red meat and flour products.

Exercise should not be too tense to be helpful swimming, aerobics, cycling and walking.

Problem of the people of this type is exposure to stressful situations, so yoga and the use of relaxation techniques (relaxation) will be very handy.

After D'Adamo theory was published, it quickly gained supporters and followers, who, leaning on her, have achieved good results.

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Debt help

May 3, 2011

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